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Safety tips for taxi drivers at level crossings
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Safety tips for taxi drivers at level crossings

A level crossing is an interface between road and rail infrastructure. According to the UNECE 1968 Convention on Road Traffic and the Highway Code, trains have priority, whilst road users and pedestrians must comply with road signs and signals in order to cross safely and consequently prevent any collision arising from misuse or inappropriate behaviour and potentially endangering train passengers, crew and other users. Using a level crossing is safe as long as users cross properly.

Nevertheless, risks still exist and the consequences of a collision between trains and commercial vehicles can be dramatic. Global freight and passenger traffic, both road and rail, have increased markedly in recent decades, thereby also increasing therisks of collisions at level crossings. This is why IRU and UIC, two worldwide road and rail associations, plus Operation Lifesaver Estonia, have decided to join forces to raise awareness about level crossing safety amongst transport professionals.

This safety guidance does not necessarily cover every situation that may arise when drivers of commercial vehicles use a level crossing, but it may help make them more aware of how to avoid the risks that may lead to a collision.

Published on:
Author: IRU
Type of document: Factsheets
Category: Road safety
Region: Global
Size: 4 pages