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Donate to support humanitarian aid in Ukraine
Eurasia | Geneva

Donate to support humanitarian aid in Ukraine

2 Mar 2022 · People, Prosperity

Many people from IRU members, partners, friends and the wider road transport industry have asked us how they can help support humanitarian relief to help the millions caught up in the Ukraine crisis. 

IRU and many of its members are exploring with humanitarian organisations and others how the road transport sector can help move humanitarian supplies by truck and move refugees by bus and coach. 

From around the world, near and far, road transport people want to help in any way they can. 

So we have also been reaching out to our member associations in affected countries to see where best your financial and material donations can be sent to help stranded and suffering people in these areas as quickly and most directly as possible. 

With input from our members, we are now listing organisations on our new Ukraine crisis information hub. These cover the main refugee transit point, Poland, as well as Hungary, Moldova, Romania and Slovakia. 

If you are collecting goods and transporting them directly to Ukraine and have any questions about borders or customs, please contact us at

Over the coming days we will be adding resources, links, updates and news for all in the road transport community to access at IRU’s Ukraine crisis information hub.