Women Driving Change report: Stories, insights and solutions
Change has been slow. What can be done to accelerate it?
Champion trainers: Empowering Iranian road transport managers
The new champion trainers will train over 200 Iranian instructors based on internationally recognised standards.
IRU frames key priorities for new European Parliament to drive EU forward
As the new European Parliament sits for the first time, IRU looks forward to working with MEPs to drive a more sustainable, efficient and innovative EU road transport sector. Priority policy actions are outlined in IRU’s Manifesto.
IRU and UN negotiate Decade of Sustainable Transport implementation plan
How do we ensure success? With the Decade of Sustainable Transport kicking off in 2026, IRU stressed two critical components to the UN in New York: the Green Compact and the UN’s own proven conventions.
From taxis to buses to trucks: One Iranian woman’s story
‘What does gender have to do with it?’ Passionate about driving, Maryam Fayaz was determined to join her husband on the road. Her persistence paid off. Here’s her story in her own words.
IRU publishes 2023 annual report
IRU, the world road transport organisation, has published its annual report for 2023, looking at the organisation’s progress and achievements in shaping safe, efficient and sustainable road transport during its 75th anniversary year.
IRU puts resilient and green road transport at heart of ITF Summit
The annual ITF Summit of transport ministers took place in Leipzig, Germany, last week. IRU was at the heart of the gathering, putting the voice of the industry on stage and in high-level meetings.
Greening transport needs a pragmatic approach, IRU tells ministers
Opening the 2024 ITF Summit of Transport Ministers in Leipzig, Germany, IRU Secretary General Umberto de Pretto has stressed the importance of a pragmatic approach to decarbonising commercial road transport based on proven, available efficiency measures.
Industry leaders debate green and resilient road transport
“How can we be greener and more resilient?” was the main question put to industry expert panellists – from Amazon, Flixbus, LKW Walter, Michelin and the World Bank – at IRU’s ITF Summit event today.
New EU CO₂ standards for heavy-duty vehicles: the work begins
The European Council has reached a final decision on the new EU CO₂ standards for heavy-duty vehicles. This concludes a legislative process that led to overly idealistic emission reduction targets. But more work lies ahead. The standards include a revision clause for 2027 and further evaluation of the role of carbon-neutral fuels in achieving net-zero emissions.
AI for safe, efficient and green mobility takes centre stage in Abu Dhabi
The IRU-Emirates Driving Company panel at DRIFTx Abu Dhabi explored the latest AI and digitalisation trends advancing the safety, efficiency and sustainability of road transport.
Safer refugee services in Africa: World Day for Safety and Health at Work
Safety is at the heart of our work. For decades, we, together with our members, have worked to make road transport safer for everyone, including for drivers operating vital life-saving services.
IRU, ETF call for EU action on third-country driver rights and conditions
IRU and ETF delivered their joint statement on third-country drivers to the EU Jobs and Social Rights Commissioner today. Both organisations commit to working together to enhance the working conditions of third-country drivers, in full respect of their rights.
IRU at Connecting Europe Days: key insights
IRU addressed the urgent need for better alternative fuel options, secure parking solutions and road transport’s role in multimodal transport at Connecting Europe Days in Brussels.
CountEmissions EU: Parliament confirms pragmatic reporting framework
IRU welcomes the endorsement of the CountEmissions EU report by the European Parliament’s plenary. The adopted text adds clarity on the steps that road transport companies are expected to take in order to report their greenhouse gas emissions.
IRU unpacks latest bus and coach developments in Mexico City
At the coveted biennial Expo Movilidad, IRU discussed key decarbonisation, digitalisation and driver shortage challenges and opportunities with leading bus and coach companies, manufacturers, suppliers and public authorities.
Platform Workers Directive: National implementation is now key
EU Member States have reached a last-minute consensus on the Platform Workers Directive, aiming to regulate the gig economy while accommodating diverse national models. The focus now turns to national implementation.
Respect drivers: A targeted and intelligence-led enforcement for Europe
IRU outlined key measures to improve the treatment of drivers during roadside checks and to digitalise control documents at a high-level conference on road control organised by the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Mobilising Poland’s road transport know-how for Europe and beyond
IRU member EwiCenter equips operators and drivers with information, data and software to set wages, navigate the EU’s Mobility Package and boost the attractiveness of the driver profession. We caught up with the company’s CEO, Mariusz Hendzel, to better understand how.
Our young bus and coach drivers are safe and Europe’s future
A young bus or coach driver is often viewed – mistakenly – as being unsafe. But with the training that they undergo, they become skilled and reliable professional drivers on par with their older colleagues, safely performing a vital societal service. In this article, Meyering Verkehrsbetriebe’s Bus & Coach Business Manager and Trainer explains just why we need to revisit our perception of young bus and coach drivers.