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Goods transport road in East Tajikistan
Eurasia | Dushanbe

Tajikistan accedes to e-CMR

6 Jun 2019

After successful efforts from IRU’s Tajik member, ABBAT, backed by IRU and the Ministry of Transport of Tajikistan, the Tajik Parliament ratified the e-CMR protocol last week.

Once Tajikistan officially notifies the United Nations Secretary-General of its decision, the country will become the first in Central Asia to adopt the digital consignment note, paving the way for others in the region to follow suit.

Alongside national benefits such as cost reductions and better data exchange, the switch to e-CMR is a clear sign of Tajikistan’s intentions to move towards entirely paperless transport operations.

Speaking in the Parliament and presenting this initiative on behalf of the industry, the Minister of Transport of Tajikistan, H.E. Mr Khudoyor Khudoyorzoda, underscored the pivotal role of UN trade and transport facilitation instruments as well as best practices shared by IRU in boosting economic growth and driving progress.

IRU will continue to support Tajikistan in its accession to e-CMR through its advisory services on training, pilot operations and industry adoption of the digital consignment note, and looks forward to other countries of the region following Tajikistan’s lead.