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Electronic truck transport
Europe | Warsaw

Digital transport in Europe gaining ground

17 Jun 2019

Poland becomes the latest European country to accede to e-CMR  

The adoption by Poland of the electronic consignment note serves as fresh momentum for digital transport operations in Europe and beyond, following close on the heels of the recent accession to e-CMR by Finland, Romania, Belarus and Tajikistan.
The pivotal shift towards entirely paperless infrastructure in the European transport industry offers significant advantages, with reductions in costs via faster and more transparent data exchange, and increased efficiency and competitiveness on the international market.

Rules for transporting goods internationally are covered by the United Nations Convention for the carriage of goods, the CMR (Convention relative au contrat de transport international de Marchandises par Route). Transport operators, shippers, drivers and those receiving shipments use a CMR consignment note, which until recently, was only issued in paper form.
IRU has supported CMR/e-CMR development for decades and is currently assisting authorities worldwide through advisory services on accession, training, pilots and industry adoption of CMR/e-CMR.