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Болгарский Союз международных перевозчиков присоединяется к IRU
Bulgaria | Plovdiv

Bulgarian Union of International Hauliers joins IRU

27 May 2022 · Corporate

The Union of International Hauliers in Bulgaria has become an IRU associate member.

Headquartered in Plovdiv and with offices in Sofia, the Union of International Hauliers, or SMP, the acronym from its name in Bulgarian, was created in 2004.

SMP has now grown to represent more than 920 company members with 15,000 vehicles and over 24,000 employees in the international goods road transport sector.

SMP aims to strengthen the voice of Bulgarian hauliers and cooperate with national and international institutions, especially at the European level. It also works closely with its members to improve professional standards in road transport.

By joining IRU, SMP hopes to contribute to improving international freight movements and the overall quality of transport services.