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Using app to call a taxi

MyCorridor puts more focus on the legal landscape for Mobility-as-a-Service

16 Feb 2018

The first MyCorridor project workshop launched recently with a focus on the legal landscape for Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) stakeholders. 

Service providers, policy makers and researchers discussed their needs and concerns, as well as other topics including data ownership, authorities’ role in developing MaaS, the perspective of MaaS customers and how to ensure that all service providers are treated equally. 

The idea behind MaaS is to integrate various transport modes into a single, unified mobility platform, accessible through one app, that offers tailor made mobility solutions based on individual needs. MyCorridor aims to extend the system to incorporate intercity, international travel.

IRU’s involvement in this innovative project opens the opportunity for its taxi, bus and coach members to collaborate with the wider passenger transport industry on cross-border mobility services, while ensuring that all players compete on a level playing field.

Ms Jantine Vochteloo, representing KNV Taxis, IRU’s member in the Netherlands,  said: 
“We know that the customer with their own device will be at the centre of the MaaS revolution. One of the major challenges for the taxi industry will be how to join upcoming MaaS platforms and reach them. We need to understand how all our different systems will be inter-connected, who owns the data and who is liable for the rides. In this respect, we see MyCorridor as a positive development.”