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Taxi sign on the roof of the cab
Eurasia | Novosibirsk

IRU takes the lead on the future of taxis

26 May 2017

Showing the latest developments in the international taxi industry, the spotlight is on the regulatory environments in the USA, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan at IRU’s special Taxi: International Kaleidoscope session at the 6th annual Transport of Siberia forum.

IRU has also organised focus groups for participants, led by experts from the Smart Move working Group in Eurasia. These sessions offer insight into emerging new business models for the industry, the development of legislation and the role of taxis in the 2030 mobility chain – issues which have been driven by the IRU Taxi of the Future initiative, with its soon to be published findings.

The forum brings together a wide cross section of industry stakeholders, with the Russian insurance company, Ingosstrakh, presenting new products for the taxi industry and Nissan sharing its long vision for road transport development up to 2030.