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Global | Geneva

50th anniversary prompts fresh thinking on safety

25 Mar 2019

Today’s commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Road Safety Convention on Road Traffic and Road Signs and Signals at the UN in Geneva keeps road safety high on the transport agenda for 2019.

The UN Conventions were a critical milestone in improving road safety across the globe, harmonising the rules of the road and road traffic signs, symbols, signals and markings and playing a critical role in achieving the targets of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety

Human error is the main cause of accidents involving heavy commercial vehicles, which can be addressed through training and also innovation.  

With safety considered to be one of the biggest innovation opportunities for transport and logistics companies, the UN’s 50th anniversary campaign reinforces safety as a core mission for the industry. 

On 3 October 2019, the IRU’s Logistics and Innovation Forum will stage an event looking at safety and technological innovation as a business opportunity for the commercial transport sector. The conference, entitled Safety: Unlocking the Business Opportunities, will be held at the Sofitel Heathrow Hotel in London.