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UN adopts new legal framework, backing future of TIR
Global | Geneva

UN adopts new legal framework, backing future of TIR

5 Feb 2020 · Prosperity

A historical moment was reached today as signatories of the TIR Convention unanimously adopted the new legal framework that will power the future of the TIR Convention (its Annex 11) and make the system fully digital. 

“This milestone demonstrates the backing by governments and industry leaders of TIR as the only global transit system, a valuable and competitive tool to facilitate trade worldwide. It also represents another leap towards further facilitation and security” said Umberto de Pretto, Secretary General of IRU. 

While this agreement marks the successful end of a long process, it also symbolises the beginning of a vast and complex mission to turn the legal framework into a practical reality. The next steps entail efficiently implementing digital corridors, so that customs authorities and transport operators are able to use fully electronic solutions as soon as possible. 

IRU underlines the importance of using the transition time between now and Annex 11’s enforcement, set for May 2021, to pursue fully digital TIR pilots across international borders. Already running for over three years, these trials can now be extended to new countries, which UNECE and IRU will continue to work closely with, to help them unlock the benefits of fully digital border crossings. 

“I would like to thank all the partners, from both the private and public sectors, who have participated in this joint effort. Together, we have made the adoption of a more connected solution possible, and I look forward to more successes as we take the next steps towards deploying practical solutions,” added Tatiana Rey-Bellet, Director of TIR at IRU.


Annex 11 will enter into force on 25 May 2021 for all Contracting Parties of the TIR Convention, if no formal objection is raised.
The Contracting Parties who do not wish to have Annex 11 apply in their territory should notify the Secretary General of the United Nations between 25 February 2021 and 25 May 2021.