The City of Antwerp’s vice-mayor, Koen Kennis, has called on the transport sector to innovate in how it provides mobility services in order to create a sustainable future for the industry.
Speaking at an event, which was part of the European Commission co-funded I-CVUE project, he praised the introduction and development of electric vehicles in the city and took the opportunity to announced the launch of a new multimodal traveller information system for Antwerp that will include taxis.
The event also heard about the latest developments on introducing electric taxis in other European Countries such as Austria, The Netherlands and Luxemburg and examined how regulation, policy and technical developments can support their increased introduction in the future.
IRU is a leading player in the I-CVUE project that brings together 13 partners from 7 European countries to help taxi operators cut their carbon emissions by increasing the number of electric vehicles in large urban fleets.