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Easytrip Transport Services

Easytrip Transport Services

France Guyancourt

Member type:
Goods transport, Associate corporate, Service Provider

Easytrip Transport Services, a part of the 360 PAY Group, specialises in providing mobility solutions for the European road transport sector. With over 35 years of experience, Easytrip offers tailored services to simplify fleet management and boost profitability for hauliers across Europe.

Originating in 2011, Easytrip was established by Egis to address the evolving needs of B2B clients managing various vehicle fleets. Leveraging 90 years of road transport infrastructure expertise, Easytrip aimed to meet emerging challenges in the industry. Through strategic acquisitions of Dutch and English transport service providers, Easytrip expanded its capabilities in toll solutions, VAT refunds, intermodal reservations, telematics, and fuel cards.

In 2024, 360 Payment Solutions S.p.A. acquired Easytrip from Egis Group, ushering in a new era for both organisations. This acquisition underscores a commitment to advancing transportation services and innovation. By integrating their strengths and expertise, Easytrip and 360 PAY aim to introduce enhanced solutions and seize new opportunities in the market.

Easytrip's offerings include partnerships with 60 major transport industry providers, ensuring a comprehensive portfolio of services. Operating in 29 countries, Easytrip facilitates seamless fleet movement across Europe and beyond. With 7 complementary service lines, Easytrip maximises clients' total cost of ownership. Additionally, the company boasts 18 regional teams across Europe, providing dedicated support to customers.

With a wealth of experience spanning three and a half decades, Easytrip Transport Services stands as a trusted partner in the transport industry, committed to delivering innovative solutions and exceptional service to its clients.

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