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TRANSPark: Promote your parking area (for parking area owners)TRANSPark is an online app to promote and find parking areas. It gives transport operators and professional drivers access to detailed information on over 4,000 parking areas in 40+ countries worldwide. TRANSPark combats direct freight related crime by encouraging the development and availability of more secure and comfortable parking areas, and by stimulating cooperation between authorities, parking area owners and transport operators. It also h
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TRANSPark: Promote your parking area (for parking area owners)

TRANSPark is an online app to promote and find parking areas. It gives transport operators and professional drivers access to detailed information on over 4,000 parking areas in 40+ countries worldwide. TRANSPark combats direct freight related crime by encouraging the development and availability of more secure and comfortable parking areas, and by stimulating cooperation between authorities, parking area owners and transport operators. It also helps address accurate information issues on crime hotspots for cost-effective investments in parking infrastructure.

Published on: 08/11/2012 - 17:29
Author: IRU
Type of document: Policy documents
Category: Decarbonisation, Goods transport, Road safety, Services
Region: Global
Size: 2 pages