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Автомобильный транспорт в Китайской Народной Республике
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Road Transport in the People’s Republic of China

Following similar past publications by the IRU on the road transport industry in China, this report presents the importance of the profession for the Chinese economy, the development of road passenger and freight transport capacities, the state of road infrastructure, the legal system governing access to the profession and the market, while tackling regulations on vehicle standards, road worthiness, fiscal matters, traffic safety and social issues. A full section is devoted to conditions and achievements in the field of international road transport regulated by China's various bi- and multilateral obligations. Four thematic chapters explain progress in road safety, sustainable development, latest challenges for road transport operators and the logistics industry. The document, containing 68 tables and graphs, is rich in statistical and other factual information.

Published on: 01/12/2009 - 16:27
Author: IRU
Type of document: Reports & publications
Category: Goods transport
Region: People's Republic of China
Size: 78 pages