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Рекомендации IRU по обеспечению безопасности на автомобильном пассажирском транспорте.
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IRU Road Passenger Transport Security Guidelines

The road passenger transport security guidelines include the following general recommendations for: the managers of bus and coach companies; bus and coach drivers of to prevent thefts and other common security-related threats; national and international regular services by bus and coach; bus and coach staff/drivers transporting schoolchildren; taxi drivers; and in case of a telephone bomb threat. A selection of other useful security-related supporting material that can be used by managers of bus, coach and taxi companies, their drivers, staff and partners.

Published on: 21/01/2016 - 11:18
Author: IRU
Type of document: Technical documents
Category: Decarbonisation, Knowledge, Passenger transport, Road safety, Services
Region: Global
Size: 33 pages