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The 7th Annual Future of Transport Conference
23 Mar 2022 - 09:00 CET

Forum Europe - The 7th Annual Future of Transport Conference

Brussels (hybrid) | IRU participation

The 7th Annual Future of Transport Conference - Delivering a smart & sustainable mobility ecosystem.

Organised by Forum Europe.

Over the past two years, the European transport sector has been impacted significantly by the COVID-19 pandemic. Passenger and freight transport has been severely disrupted; supply chains have been moved to breaking point, while at the same time, the demand and necessity for the sector to re-orientate towards more digital, efficient, and sustainable practices has only increased.

These ambitions for greener, more intelligent, safer, and efficient transport systems remain at the forefront of the European Commission’s priorities. Forum Europe’s 7th Annual Future of Transport Conference, will once again gather senior executives from the transport and technology sectors as well as key European and national policy makers to discuss and debate the most pressing issues facing the European transport sector, and how these can be tackled to ensure the sector continues to contribute to green innovation and economic development.

Raluca Marian, Director EU Advocacy & General Delegate at IRU,  will speak during the speakers panel on "Sustainable Mobility and Decarbonisation in Europe"


Raluca Marian
Raluca Marian
Director EU Advocacy & General Delegate