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Update on the current logistics situation
10 Mar 2022 - 09:45 CET

AEB - Update on the current logistics situation

online | IRU participation

Public event organised by the Association of European Businesses Customs and Transport Committee to update the AEB members on the current logistics situation, as it affects most of the business in Russia. 

The event will be opened by Tadzio Schilling, AEB CEO and moderated by Wilhelmina Shavshina, the AEB Customs & Transport Committee Chairwoman, Partner, Global Trade and Customs Regulation Leader, EY CIS.

Vadim Zakharenko, General Delegate to the Permanent Delegation to Eurasia at IRU Moscow will be part of the discussion.

Working language is Russian. English interpretation will be provided.


Vadim Zakharenko
Vadim Zakharenko
General Delegate to the Permanent Delegation to Eurasia, IRU Moscow