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Road transport information - IRU Flash Info

Flash Info

BY 29.04.22
Belarus: mandatory disinfection for all vehicles entering the country
Goods, Passenger
Goods, Passenger
Belarus: mandatory disinfection for all vehicles entering the country

The President of Belarus has signed the Decree No. 154 "On mandatory disinfection of vehicles." The document was adopted in order to reduce the risk of importing pathogens of dangerous infections and bacteria into the country.

From 1 May 2022, all vehicles entering Belarus are subject to mandatory disinfection. The procedure will be performed by LLC “BelGlobalGarant”. Payment for the service will be made by purchasing a control stamp at the border checkpoint.

The price for the service has not been announced, however based on previous trials, it is expected to cost 2 rubles (approx. 0,56 Euro) for a passenger car and up to 25 rubles (approx. 7 Euro) for a truck.

Source: Official Site of the President of Belarus