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IRU CAS workshop on enforcement of Mobility Package 1 provisions
8 Sep 2020 - 13:30 CEST

IRU CAS workshop on enforcement of Mobility Package 1 provisions

Brussels | IRU event

Following the publication in the EU Official Journal of Mobility Package 1 (MP1) on 31 July, a number of provisions (including driving and rest time rules) shall enter into force on 20 August 2020, and those on posting and cabotage at the beginning of 2022. 

Respecting the provisions of MP1 and their enforcement might become a challenge for road transport operators, drivers and enforcement authorities. Although an agreement was reached, the interpretation of a number of MP1 provisions and their enforcement remains uncertain. The European Commission is planning to work out several delegated and implementing acts to clarify and supplement the MP1 provisions. However, uncertainty remains among the industry and enforcers regarding the interpretation and the enforcement of a number of provisions.

MP1 provisions will also have a direct impact on third country operators offering road transport services within the framework of bilateral (agreements, permits) or multilateral frameworks, such as the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT) quota and the UNECE European Agreement Concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport (AETR Agreement). A number of MP1 provisions will need to be transposed into these frameworks to ensure fair competition.  


The objective of this workshop is to draw from the existing knowledge in the industry and the enforcement community in an attempt to tackle some preliminary and practical issues. 

The workshop will be of interest for industry representatives from EU Member States and neighbouring third countries, enforcers, trade unions, competent authorities, the European Commission and other international organisations.

Given the current circumstances and social distancing rules, the intention is to have a limited number of participants in the room (IRU Brussels office, Schuman room) with the majority of participants joining via videoconference. 

The workshop will take a classic format of a moderated workshop, including two panels with presentations followed by a debate with the participants. The workshop will be held in English.


13h30 - 13h35

Introductory remarks by Raluca Marian, General Delegate of IRU’s Permanent Delegation to the EU

13h35 - 15h05

Session 1: Novel aspects of Mobility Package 1, in particular driving and rest time rules and cabotage

Keynote speech by Eddy Liégeois, Head of Unit, Road Transport – DG MOVE, European Commission


  • Confederation of Organisations in Road Transport Enforcement (CORTE), Rémy Russotto 
  • Euro Contrôle Route (ECR), Gerard Schipper
  • European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), Cristina Tilling
  • IRU, Oleg Kamberski 

& debate with the participants

15h05 - 15h20


15h20 - 16h50

Session 2: Practical issues related to enforcing the new Mobility Package rules, in particular posting of workers

Keynote speech on the Internal Market Information System (IMI) by Inès Maillart, Policy Officer, Road Transport Unit – DG MOVE, European Commission


  • Confederation of Organisations in Road Transport Enforcement (CORTE), Rémy Russotto 
  • Dansk PersonTransport (DPT), Mads Engberg
  • Euro Contrôle Route (ECR), Gerard Schipper
  • Transport Logistiek Nederland (TLN), Elmer de Bruin
  • 3F Denmark, Flemming Overgaard

& debate with the participants

16h50 - 17h00

Concluding remarks by the moderator

Avenue de Cortenbergh 71
1000 Brussels