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ANTRAM - Associação Nacional de Transportadores Públicos Rodoviários de Mercadorias


Portugal Lisbon

Member type:
Goods transport, Active, TIR association, Transport Association

Formed in 1975, the Associação Nacional de Transportadores Públicos Rodoviários de Mercadorias (ANTRAM) is a not-for-profit association based in Lisbon. It represents professional Portuguese freight transport companies that carry out road haulage activities for hire or reward.

ANTRAM’s primary mission is to safeguard the interests of its members and protect their corporate values. Its membership encompasses 1,776 road haulage companies that operate over 19,000 vehicles throughout Portugal. It depends on its membership to strengthen its presence within Portugal’s economic, social and political fabric and to obtain the best results in safeguarding the interests of professional road hauliers.

ANTRAM works to find solutions to the road transport sector’s problems such as fuel prices and taxes, social security regulation and employment policy, as well as business modernisation and competition laws. Every year ANTRAM negotiates and contributes to the labour collective agreements that govern the freight transport sector.

ANTRAM provides a variety of services to its members including technical consulting, legal assistance, professional training and online and printed media. It also organises annual workshops, technical sessions and promotional events related to current issues and best practices within the road transport industry.

Member since:


Gustavo Paula DUARTE