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Spain Madrid

Member type:
Passenger transport, Associate non-corporate, Transport Association

ANETRA, the Madrid based National Association of Bus Transport Companies, was founded as a common initiative of different Spanish road transport companies in 1977.

ANETRA today comprises almost 1000 member companies whose interests are duly represented at national level across all key institutions in the road transport sector, amongst others in the National Road Transport Council and the National Road Transport Committee.

ANETRA, representing the interests of its member transports companies, endorses the necessity of a liberalised European transport system.

ANETRA also organises, sponsors and participates in meetings, seminars and symposia related to passenger transportation by bus or other matters of interest to the sector. These events serve as a platform for motor coach passenger transportation companies to collaborate and strengthen the relationships among themselves, as well as their relationships with different government entities and with the public in general.

Their members also acquire a number of benefits and support services, such as legal counsel, vehicle and passenger insurance consulting services, specialised assistance in case of traffic accidents, staff and management training courses, access to relevant conferences and events, and the assistance of a safety and health at work technician among others.

Member since:

Juan Manuel SIERRA SIDERA (Executive Director)