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EU countries have started implementing new truck CO₂ tolls. Whether they’re new or additions to existing tolls, they will have a big impact on logistics. What will those be? Axxès and DKV Mobility uncovered them for us at our recent webinar.
Europe | Geneva

New truck CO₂ tolls in Europe: what you need to know

15 May 2024 · Environment

EU countries have started implementing new truck CO₂ tolls. Whether they’re new or additions to existing tolls, they will have a big impact on logistics. What will those be? Axxès and DKV Mobility uncovered them for us at our recent webinar.

What is the roll-out plan in each country? How harmonised will the new systems be across the EU? How can operators, shippers and other logistics firms comply more easily with the new systems? What else do logistics firms need from their suppliers and EU countries?

IRU members Axxès and DKV Mobility shared their perspectives during the IRU CO₂ tolls webinar.

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